As a music transcriber, I have worked with BMG, Universal Music, Britten Pears Arts and artists such as Mike Boddé, Iris Hond, Remy van Kesteren, Michiel Borstlap and Cor Bakker among others. In 2023, I started my own sheet music imprint Schvung. Services I offer are:

  • transcription (including lead sheets, chord charts, PVG scores, solos, etc.)

  • engraving

  • proofreading


I complete most transcriptions within a week (depending on duration, complexity, and/or instrumentation). Using Dorico, I deliver your professionally engraved transcription as a PDF, ready to be viewed on your screen, printed at home or professionally published. Optional file exports could include MIDI (to import into a DAW like Ableton or Logic Pro) or XML (to import into other scorewriters like Sibelius or Finale).


My hourly rate is €45. On average, a transcription takes me 2 hours to transcribe and engrave. A discount rate may apply to larger-scale projects.


Since every project is different, don’t hesitate to send me an email over at sjaakdouma[at]hotmail[dot]com for an exact quote for your project, or fill out the form down below.